Physical and Health Education
Physical and Health Education
The development of our Lasallians in the physical domain entails the teaching and learning of a broad range of motor skills that can be built upon as students grow up and take up physical activities that interest them. In addition, development in the physical domain at De La Salle School is also about teaching our students to make choices that will promote the development of a healthy lifestyle. The school has a range of CCAs and programmes that provide our students with opportunities to develop in the physical domain.
Sports Carnival
A revamp from the traditional Sports Day, the sports carnival was created to maximise participation. Different levels will assigned to different sports and Lasallians compete by houses. Games learning starts from their PHE lessons and continue on to the house practices before the actual day.
Lower Primary Games
Primary 1 and Primary 2 will have different relay games were created based on what they have learnt in the lower primary PHE syllabus. They are then assigned to one game per house and compete against the same houses from the other classes in the same level.