Applied Learning Programme (ALP)
Our Programmes
Applied Learning Programme (ALP)

In De La Salle School, we have a mission of ‘Enabling Lasallians in a Lasallian community to learn how to learn and to learn how to live; empowering them to be persons of integrity and persons for others’ and a vision of nurturing our Lasallians to be ‘Lifelong Learners; Caring Citizens’ in their 6 years of primary school education.
For our Lasallians to thrive in the future world, we seek to develop a wide variety of learning opportunities to engage them in critical thinking, brainstorming, and problem-solving. Lasallians’ learning experiences include undertaking real-world tasks with peer learning in collaborative work and project work under the Applied Learning Programme in Design.Innovate.Service.Community (ALP in DISC).
The ALP in our school will be a springboard for Lasallians to harness these future skills in servicing the community to help the last, the lost and the least.
The framework for ALP in DISC is as follows:
Key programmes
1.Creative DISCoveries
These lessons which are integrated into the curriculum encourage students to adopt the Design Thinking methodology, empowering them to approach challenges with creativity and structure. Through this process, they develop the ability to empathise with different perspectives, ideate innovative solutions, and think critically. Students work collaboratively on projects, fostering teamwork and shared learning. By prototyping and refining their ideas, they learn to propose the best possible solutions for real-world situations, equipping them with essential problem-solving skills for the future.
2.DISC Makers
These lesson experiences provide Lasallians with opportunities to be creative and explore hands-on learning. This encourages them to tinker, experiment, and innovate as they bring their ideas to life. Rooted in passion-based learning, our programmes empower Lasallians to pursue their interests and develop skills that align with their personal goals, fostering a love for discovery and a mindset geared toward continuous growth.