Applied Learning Programme (ALP)
Our Programmes
Applied Learning Programme (ALP)
In De La Salle School, we have a mission of ‘Enabling Lasallians in a Lasallian community to learn how to learn and to learn how to live; empowering them to be persons of integrity and persons for others’ and a vision of nurturing our Lasallians to be ‘Lifelong Learners; Caring Citizens’ in their 6 years of primary school education.
For our Lasallians to thrive in the future world, we seek to develop a wide variety of learning opportunities to engage them in critical thinking, brainstorming, and problem-solving. Lasallians’ learning experiences include undertaking real-world tasks with peer learning in collaborative work and project work under the Applied Learning Programme in Design.Innovation.Service.Community (ALP in DISC).
The ALP in our school will be a springboard for Lasallians to harness these future skills in servicing the community to help the last, the lost and the least.
The framework for ALP in DISC is as follows: